
Current Schedule of Training Events

District Trainings

January 24th - Math Intervention Bootcamp - Presented by Diana Shadowen and Jackie Reid
     * This is a day-long session that will provide intervention instruction, games, and ideas to engage kids with math concepts.

January 27th - Reading Intervention Bootcamp - Presented by Jackie Reid and Diana Shadowen
     * This is a day-long session that will provide access to reading interventions accessible throughout the district. We will be showing you programs that we have available, how to use these programs, and discussing the reading deficits that these programs address. We will also look at effective core reading instruction.

Suggestions? Contact me.


January 12th - Elementary PBIS Training @ Ky Dam Village 8am-3pm

* For elementary PBIS teams - contact Jason Teague for more information

Regional Trainings - Go to this website to register for Regional Trainings. In most cases registration is free, however the school is responsible for paying for the substitute.

20th/Feb. 17th/ Mar. 23rd - K-3 Literacy Institute w/Carolyn Downing **highly recommended** @ WKEC Conference Center

24th - Dominoes, Dice, & a Deck of Cards w/Amie Tooley @ WKEC Conference Center